Win $2,500 from Martha Stewart
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Win $2,500 from Martha Stewart

You can enter the Grocery Sweepstakes from Martha Stewart for your chance to win a $2,500 check that you can use for groceries or whatever you want to spend it on. Note that you don’t have to sign up for the newsletters to enter the sweeps. Entry ends December 31, 2019.

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  1. ♡♡♡ I love watching Martha’s videos ♡♡♡ Saturdays on PBS

    If I win, part of my grocery shopping will be buying foods to make some of Martha’s delicious recipes. If any money is left over it will be invested in a Scooter. Yay! :=)

    ♡♡♡ Thank you Martha Stewart ♡♡♡

  2. my ss check leaves me with very little for groceries so winning this would help me get food that I have to do with out

  3. Please pick me. I will use the prize money to cook some of my favorite recipes from Martha Stewart and buy a scooter to get around in rather than my wheelchair all the time.

  4. I love to cook but food is so expensive that I have to sacrafice things I love. I would appreciate and cook and share my meals. Food is nourishment for the soul. Please consider me… Thank you

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