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Win a 24′ Tiny House from Plessers

Win a 24' Tiny House

You can enter the Get Smart, Go Tiny Sweepstakes from Plessers for your chance to win a 24′ Tiny House built by Tiny Hamptons and equipped with Samsung Connected Appliances. The tiny house and trailer is valued at $65,000. You’ll also have a chance to win monthly prizes like appliances, smart home tech, and more. You can earn extra entries by taking action on social media and referring friends. Entry ends December 31, 2019.

Eliminate the overhead and simplify your life with a chance to win this fully equipped tiny house by Tiny Hamptons. At 800 sqft the house I currently live in may not be tiny, but it’s pretty small. For that reason I can attest to the fact that the smaller the house, the lower the bills. It’s easier to clean and it’s less to maintain, so it’s less to think about in general. Not to mention, the tiny house in this giveaway is on a trailer, so you can set it up anywhere your heart is content.

I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with compact living, be that in an RV or van, living on a sailboat, or living in a tiny house. I think in order to be at peace in such a situation it’s important to be someone who loves the outdoors. The less space you live in, the more inclined you’ll be to take advantage of the nature around you to have a sense of more space.

Tiny House, Great Outdoors

I love the great old outdoors, and I’m just one of those people who feels more secure in a smaller space. I’m aware that other’s can get a sense of claustrophobia and restlessness when confined to a smaller area, so I guess it’s to each their own. While I could move today into a tiny accommodations, my better half probably couldn’t. And last but not least, I’ve managed to acquire a selection of furry friends who are a rambunctious bunch, and not the kind of company you could keep in a sailboat or on the road.

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It’s also fascinating to me that simultaneous to the tiny house movement catching on, main stream properties in new build neighborhoods are intentionally building more house and less yard. With so many people spending more time on their phones, tablets and smart TVs than in their backyards, they prefer larger indoor living space and forgo the hassles of yard maintenance. Once again, to each their own.

Use a Tiny House as a Guest House

And even if you aren’t planning on giving up your current abode to dwell in the tiniest of spaces, you might want to enter the contest to have a chance to win a pre-built and cozy guest residence. That’s probably what I would do if I were to win it, pull it into the backyard and outfit it for when company, or one of the kids, comes to visit.

Best of luck to each of my subscribers to be the winner of this tiny house sweepstakes from Plessers. Let me know in the comments below if you are a more house or a more yard kind of person.

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